Lucerne Valley Genealogy
The current 2007 officers are:
Most of our monthly meetings are held at the Janice Horst Library in Lucerne Valley on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM. We try to have a speaker who has special knowledge of areas and eras related to Genealogy research. Occasionally we arrange a field trip to another Library instead of holding our meeting at the Lucerne Valley Library. Every December the meeting is held at a member's home for the club Christmas party. If you wish to attend a meeting , you might want to telephone in advance to be sure that next meeting is going to be here and if there will be a speaker. | |
For further information please call 248-7520 We welcome new members and visitors at our meetings. Dottie Kern and Martha Rader founded the Lucerne Valley Root Diggers Genealogy Association in 1992 with lots of help from the Hi-Desert Genealogical Society. |
The objectives of the organization is: A: To promote and encourage interest in research and usage of information of genealogical nature. B: To preserve propagate information and data to a genealogical, historical or similar nature. C: To provide support and encouragement to members in their
endeavor of their genealogical efforts. |
Basic policies: A: the association shall be non-commercial, not for profit, non-sectarian, non-political and non-partisan. B: The name of the organization or the names of members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan or political interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objectives of the organization. |
Seated (L to R): Martha Rader, Cam Classen, Dottie Kern. Standing (L to R): Freda Robinson, Florence Pettigrew, Elizabeth Sadler, Elizabeth Peters, Bernadette Gudgins, Jill Forrest, Karen Payne and Noreva Sharr |
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